You are absolutely right. MOST European countries allow abortion only in the first trimester. Only a few think like the American Left. But as...
I think it was more of the photographers skill, and positioning her just right to create the illusion.
Oh Lawd ... could you imagine AOC as POTUS!? I hate to admit it, but I'd hit it, but damn, she is as dumb as box of rocks.
Who's Emily? PIcs? LOL
Yes she is!!
Media .... that is the whole problem.
If Biden ... or Rex, or anyone else wants to impress me with Climate Change, they will need to embrace the only solution that will actually...
Sometimes I wonder how old you are. In 1988, James Hansen said the end is nye. It's been 34 years, and the earth is still here, the polar ice...
Enough of this politics crap ..... :D [IMG]
So ... I don't need to consider the credibility of the witness at all eh? Just believe what they say, because .. ya know ... it agrees with my...
NO ... I don't. I'm going to try and have a rational discussion with you. The point, did Trump support violence at the capital? NONE of the...
ummmm .... "so he can stop looking foolish" ....... Good Luck With That.
Like I told Shane ... no medical board is going to suspend a doctors license for saving a woman's life if the Doc can document the medical reason....
What she doesn't seem to grasp, is the "right to life" of the woman will trump the "right to life" of the fetus. It becomes a Right To Life...
Context is a tad short as well. She was talking about metal detectors to scan for guns as if that was for the protest, when in fact, Trump said...
So ... clear this up for me. "push moderate dems" .... which way? As for "polls" and RvW ... that bump was temporary, just as I figured it...
Don't know if you guys are following this, but WV vs EPA has a much larger potential impact on the future of America than just about any recent...
You take the cake when it comes DUNCEHOOD. What Joe Burrow is talking about has NOTHING to do with my body my choice. MORESO, it has NOTHING to...
For you and Shane ...yes, I know they make up a small percentage. Collectively, rape, incest and medical are less than 10%. But my point, is, IF...