But have you noticed .. it is ALWAYS the LEFT that decides they don't want to uphold the law. Immigration, teaching kids to be gay in schools,...
I'm on day 4, .. so far so good. I've read that loss of taste and smell is not as common with Omicron as it was with the original. My symptoms...
Well, yall can add me to the list. Went to San Diego last week and started feeling clammy on Wednesday. Tested positive Thursday. Retested last...
Dirty Harry IV - A lot can happen to dog shit... - YouTube [MEDIA]
According to the DNA record, Native Americans are actually more closely related to Northern Europeans than Asians. There is an unknown, ancient...
Maybe .. .but it's being covered everywhere .. so it's not just a Faux News Special.
Hey ... don't be knocking those increased housing prices. I stand to make a fortune off that one day! LOL. Think about this ... my Mom and Dad...
Mexico City residents angered by influx of Americans speaking English, gentrifying area: report | Fox News Can yall believe this crap? There is...
We wish .. but I doubt it.
That's the kind of person we need in government.
I think they already did! And they will do it again! The fraud of the 2020 election was as much a product of establishment Republicans at the...
Those all sound like the Democrat Play Book. Projection much??
More interesting stuff that will never be vetted and cleared. Highly Sensitive DOJ Jan 6. Documents Leaked to The Gateway Pundit – FBI...
I wish I could get excited about such revelations ... but, I've watched so many of these swept under the rug, I just can't anymore.
I figure one muscular butt deserves another. [IMG]
I sure do love old antique trucks. !! [IMG]
You'd think some people consider the power structure of the US to be a game of Capture the Flag!! LOL [IMG]
The ultimate would be a certified signature to RECEIVE the ballot. With today's technology (provided it is not tainted by poll workers) should...
Do women actually wear this stuff in public. [IMG]
Just another one in a long line of crimes and injustices by the left that go unpunished.