The line up ...... [IMG]
"I like big butts and can not lie" [IMG]
Ya know .. I"m tempted to say those are natural!! [IMG]
Joe Biden is a brain-dead puppet, and everyone but you and him know it.
Choices ... hmmmmm [IMG]
I'm not going to comment anymore on this, other than to say that is safe to say that it will NEVER be investigated, and nothing will happen. The...
Yep ... BREAKING: HERE IT IS: Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden 'Laptop From Hell' Story ( We KNEW that...
At least I can see this one .... all your others look like [img]
Is that when you put a sack on the lay .... :p
So ... can we just call you Crappie?
It's interesting that just about EVERY single precinct that dragged out the voting broke for the Democrats/Establishment. Murkowsky should have...
LOL ... what'd you do ... go back and dig up every stupid thread Rex-the-idiot has posted? That's funny shit.
Yeah ... that's the point dumbass. They DID take documents. The difference is the politicized FBI only acts against political opponents of the...
So What. Your Buddies in the Democrat Party have made that the norm. It's not the first time the Democrats have done something for a temporary...
I deny that I am a cultists!! There ... I just did what you said I could not do!
Where is the ASCPA when you need them?? Now these butt pirates are going after the dogs!! Save the dogs and leave their "asses" ALONE! Dog That...