And dumb shit, frantic maniacs are making more out of this than there is. MOST, ALL of the lunatics losing their minds on this don't even know...
Forget your meds?
This is not totally true. Ectopic Pregnancy is a case were termination is warranted. The BIG difference here, it's not "my body my choice" ......
Yeah . you really have to wonder how someone's thinking could get so fucked up!
SOooo .. according to you ... legalized abortion is somehow going to prevent her from being raped! Telling. Afterall, abortion or no abortion,...
For all you people with stiff necks ........ [IMG]
Can we just start the war between the Left and the Right already?? This abortion b.s. is nothing more than a distraction. Everyone agrees that...
You underestimate the power hungry in Washington D.C. Clinton has definitely played his part. It's the...