On January 2, 1942, the members of the Duquesne Spy Ring are sentenced to prison. Named for its head, Frederick "Fritz" (or "The Duke") Duquesne...
Heat 119, Pelicans 108 Similar to the loss to Houston at the beginning of the week, started awful and were behind double digits in a heartbeat,...
BK said Weeks will need surgery but could be good to go for the spring.
Haven’t heard officially but it looks like Weeks’ ankle was dislocated. Video suggests they popped it back in place on the field....
Clutch throw by Nuss bails out his OC
Wait, did Sloan just go into run out the clock mode with 6:00 left in a two score game?
Field goal, 20 point lead
And stopped it!
Another 4th and short coming up for Baylor
Durham with a big chunk on 3rd and long!
Horrible shotgun snap on 4th and 1 creates a 36 yard loss from Baylor. First break to go our way in quite awhile.
Thank you!!
And a terrible throw by Nuss is picked off.
Touchdown Baylor. I don't know what to make of that ass-hump the goalpost celebration. Seems like something A&M would do.
We have no answer to that slant
Damn damn damn!!!!
Overturned!! First down, Tigers!
Close, real close. Touchdown could be overturned but I doubt it. It's 53 minutes since our offense ran a play.
25 minute college football halftime is the single worst thing in sports.