I'll be right in the middle of this shit, lol. Beer and charcoal stocked
I hate running, but i do it basically every day. 6'2, 240
Why wouldnt he, he had a front row seat to the dysfunction
????? this is the main problem with the team. The offensive line is shit, which screws the timing of the offense. This guy hasnt been good since...
why is Grimes still employed. Thats the problem with this team.
yall really trying to sell that soul huh.
Just call me Negrodamus, from now until further notice.
no rap sheet been produced yet, if so it will come to light in a matter of hours. She probably did freak, Shane said the same about the officer....
maybe i misunderstood the comment, if i did my bad. no harm.
and you should recognize mine. ive always had a problem with those who only address cop shootings, but wont address the violence in Chicago or...
those little shit comments says more about you then me. thats far from actually bothering me.
when its justified, i said oh well, he pulled a gun or etc. ill be the first person to say if someone contributed to their own death. never had an...
lol keep moving the goal post. from doing nothing to....couldnt he make it 2 million.
your issue is you are mixing feelings with intelligence. i.e... brobro comment.
Auburn wins this game, other than Bama, they have a defensive line that is pretty damn good and our offensive line is still shit, with a competent QB.
doing nothing like donating 1 million dollar and jersey sales to community organizations
no, one cop hit him with a taser, she killed him. they needed a helicopter for this as well? As the pilot says he looks like a bad dude. no...
the irony of you shitting on the first amendment at the same time.
at first i thought you werent an idiot, thats how i feel about this post.
deflection rears its head in here....... lets ask Terrance Crutcher what he thinks about this protest.