just coming here to see if there was a thread, not surprised there isnt one. typical TF........................ carry on!
Jackson played a hell of a game.
its like infowars for the most part, seriously, if she was a serious media person, id admit that.
isnt Bill considered a neck too?
her entire show is a circular argument
and dumb.
I agree with the demographics argument, but the theory, the Clinton campaign isnt that smart.
met a guy who did secret service for Bill, says he is funny but a hound.
you are right, whats messed up is that those wall street speeches would hurt Clinton bad in a normal election year. If Pence was at the top of the...
its terrible that he doesnt understand that. my cousin is in Saudi Arabia right now, those people live very well there he says, but the kind of...
this is not news, he is following the line of bullshit Foley has spewed, this game wont be played.
Im sorry but the Saudi Arabia school of Islam hates anything to do with modern and intellectual life, Wahhabi school of thought is an exporter of...
You are right, nothing wrong with them lol, if you are around the house, washing the cars, around the pool, maybe on the boat. Other than that.......
the worst shit ive ever seen,both these people are terribly flawed and shouldnt be in this position for this job.
you seem like a great poster here, so uhhhh.... dont admit this again
i dont think this game gets played.
ex-girlfriend, Eddie K, ridicule of black coaches.... all checks out:D
loved to see you. hopefully Shane is around.
also coming for the Southern Miss games boys! anyone tailgating.