gotta love this type of stuff. they are both as crooked as can damn be....
or lets outrage about not putting your hand over your heart during the national anthem.
at the least, probably some connection
wouldnt be surprised. his campaign organization and battle ground state make up is really problematic for him.
so what does corporate welfare create? farm subsidies, bank propping,quantitative easing, etc? i'll ask Dimon since no one here wants to talk...
Trump was being condescending. So lets explore the metrics and statistics, first 21% of AA live in poverty, along with Hispanics and other races...
Yes they are, it spans the color spectrum. Only a few break the cycle. The kid shot in Milwaukee, his dad apologized for being a shit example in...
not as near as bad as an organization. the RNC pushed out voices of reason and now have to consider shifting resources to down ballot races...
If you are poor and dependent on government, well 95% of that is your own fault. but generational curses are a real thing and still going on...
racism, jim crow, separate but equal. You think black people chose to live in those places, like they volunteered to live in housing projects....
exactly like this places, drugs, teen pregnancy, murder, etc. but you are right the "liberal media" never highlights these places. the straw man...
no its ok. the premise is a straw man from the first post in this thread. its cherry picking according to the title and video. you know how many...
no need to discuss it, most people here have tunnel vision and not honest enough to have a discussion. I more than anyone believe in personal...
Sure it is, thats what everyone in this thread brought up. Cherry picking and living in a vacuum. as usual, but carry on, ignore the cause and...
yes, because not a single white person in kentucky or arkansas has ever been on food stamps, etc. the intellectual dishonest, gotta love it.
it must be nice to live in a vacuum and cherry pick your way through life. gotta aim for higher ground.