Hitler and Stalin would be proud. Just remove the option to vote. Easy.
Liberals like the smell of doodoo because they all are faggots and do gay buttsex and god punished them via monkey pox and aids.
Colorado is for stupid faggots. Also. It’s quite humorous you take time out of your day to imagine what Trump smells like. Quite telling of your...
White power!
We should all do that. Either he wins or we all tie.
Shut up faggot… no one cares.
Well. I did say it was a movie. A non woke one at that. I do wonder why the Japs talk so strongly. It’s like every word is so important.
I don’t do math. My phone does that.
Well done movie. Way better than anything Hollywood can make right now.
Well deserved.
At the end of the day there are big players that want their check. Sometimes a team is so good they force themselves in though. And usually...
Is what it is. Hate the player or hate the game, but play it we must. Shane had a point about FSU that needs repeating, but before I repeat it,...
Jokes write themselves.
Go look at the Auburn game for UGA near identical stats to the Bama game vs Auburn. However, much higher stakes for Bama /Aurburn.
Bro. We don’t have a D capable of winning a title hahaha.
No bud. It’s the decision you want to have. As I said long ago, you argue like a woman. No one gives a shit what Jerry Jones says.
Right over your head bud.
Pissing into a hurricane dude. Gotta be soaked by now.
I heard some dude say you are gay. Obviously who said it doesn’t matter.
I will never eat Indian food either. They are some disgusting MFers.