The only thing she is going to get is another cat for comfort.
Hahahahahhaha. Hehehehehhehehe. Lolololololol. Poopy pants. Smell so bad.
I’m 100% right.
It’s going to go to the SC. NY changed the law specifically so they could get Trump on something. Anything. Just another day really.
Biden went to Dem black churches. He has dat culcha.
Trumps annualized stock market returns are higher than Biden’s while not having Americans have to pay triple for food....
He is white.
Trump or Mr V. But Trump has set his sights on V now. Will see if he folds and makes the same mistakes as the rest.
It Was a joke
you missed the point.
Could you imagine and then they still beat our ass?
Some one has to be #1.
Convenient? No. Just facts. I mean, we could go back to the origins of the word slave if you want and start there?
I love story time. Like when the Africans offered to sell their slaves to Whitey. They had so many from conquered tribes and all.
What did the slaves smell like? This is clearly something that needs to be answered. What if they smelled like Trump?
My 1st post was a question. To you. Specifically. Maybe you ignored it because it was meant to show you how low IQ your arguments are. Your...
When I ask a woman a question she doesn’t like because it proves she is full of shit, they do what you just did. Congrats.
You should write her a letter explaining the democrats starting a war over keeping their slaves and the Republican president who saved them.
What did the slaves smell like Rex
You are a fucking retard.