Translation @Winston1 We shouldn't argue about him because I am intellectually unable to defend his positions
OK professor I will play your silly game I agree I am intellectually unable to defend my positon on Trump. Now want to argue man made global warming? Been hearing crickets from Mushy Middle how about you giving it a shot against this intellectually challenged coonass.
Hey dufus this isn’t the climate change forum. The sad part is that you can make reasonable arguments when you have something or someone worth defending. I brought up the climate change forum because you defend your point with logical argument and facts. Where you get on a political thread defending the Trumpster you just rant and deflect and fail to answer while repeating the same tired false overblown BS time after time. You resort to name calling and drag the discussion through the mud rather than actually defending your position. Is that because you realize you have nothing to defend and other than not being HRC he is a useless pile of garbage? Frankly I believe you’re too smart to be taken in by the shyster, cowardly bankrupt, but are out on a limb and can’t acknowledge you’ve been bamboozled.
This is not the climate change forum? Kinda of like saying I would fight you but I have my good shirt on.