Zach Strief to Replace Henderson 8

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by Bengal B, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    You're still missing my point, which is not salary. First of all, Strief won't just be on local radio, he is - not only - in what is considered a major market, he will be on one of the most powerful stations in the country. WWL is one of a handful of "clear channel" stations in the country. They're putting out 50,000 watts of broadcast power, and by FCC law, have sole possession of the 870kHz frequency for a 750 mile radius. Most AM stations in New Orleans barely get 50 miles to their signal.

    Romo - Romo is following the path that the industry established decades ago. From the field to the booth as an analyst. Since the 70's, the formula in sports broadcasting has been, a former athlete in the sport as analyst, and a professional broadcaster as the principle voice. I'm not questioning the formula; its been accepted practice for decades. Strief may have a degree in MassComm, but no one with a degree and no experience starts their career in such a choice gig. Did you hear the story on WWL? He described preparing himself for the audition by recording himself in his laundry room calling games as he watched on video. Believe it or not, I've seen a lot of kids fresh out of college try that approach, and sometimes, it gets them Bunkie. They actually played a clip of one of his demos on the air this morning, about 8 seconds worth. I promise you, that's about all the WWL GM would have listened to if he were one of those fresh-out-of-college kids I'm talking about, then he would have moved on to the next one. Like @Bengal B said, he will likely struggle for awhile but improve. But without his name recognition, he wouldn't be getting the chance to even struggle. He's getting the free ride Dunlap was ironically referring to in my 1st post, which was my point all along.
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    The dunlap point wasnt lost on me. I get what youre saying, I was speaking from a macro level. Youre just overanalyzing it because youre in the industry. Most jobs are about who you know then its up to you to keep it. Theres examples of this on every level. Especially the corporate world. they just arent as public.

    Have you heard zach much? Im gonna hate anyone replacing hendo initially. I mean Im the biggest opponent of chris blair still, He has the sports IQ and awareness of tiga. Often the play is over in baseball or even worse just forgotten. So im gonna be piling on zach im sure. Henderson was a treasure and its my way of honoring him.
  3. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    @tirk When I was doing sports, any time I wrote something and I couldn't decide if I liked it, I tried to imagine Henderson saying it. If I couldn't hear it in his voice, I rewrote. He was one of the all time greats in the business.
    Bengal B likes this.
  4. watson1880

    watson1880 Founding Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    I am looking forward to Zach's insights and to see if he is not a complete homer. Anyway, we should benefit from two color commentators.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I wanted to get home in time to see the kickoffs but I had a flat. Listened to Strief while I'm waiting for tire repair at Walmart. Strief seemed a bit unsure of himself during Jacksonville's first drive but has improved significantly during Saints drive and kickoff.

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