And Hugh Hefner is gay? Is that what that means? Is Bradley Cooper gay too? He takes selfies. So does Paul Rudd, Conan O'Brian, Brett Michaels, John Hamm, Chris Pratt, Nick Cage, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Daniel Radcliffe, Rickey Gervais, Snoop Dogg, Iststl's Shakespeare Kanye West, James Franco, Tyler the Creator, Puff Daddy, Emeniem, Big Papi took one with Obama, James Hardin, Lebron James, Carmello Anthony, Desean Jackson, Chris Paul, Shawn White, Demarcus Cousins, Warren Sapp, Blake Griffin, James Harrison, Adrian Clayborn, Dwight Howard, and Kevin Durant. I could keep going but I think the point has been made. Selfies, while a lot of us do not partake in such activity, have no bearing on your manhood, nor sexual preference. JJ Watt is obviously just a hater, and is mad that ZM is better looking than him, and graduated from a school where he probably would have rode the pine behind Sam Montgomery and Barkevious Mingo. Sure Watt is one of the best NFL linemen in the game, but he has now shown what he truly is, which is a pathetic asshole. Congrats Watt.
The amount of trim you tag has nothing to do with your manhood, in my opnion. I just can't imagine any man that I have any respect for making a practice of doing so. I mean we are all due a mulligan from time to time but a habit of taking self portraits is not something that I can associate with a mans man.
Times and non essential standards change. I'm old enough that when I stopped wearing a crew cut and let my hair touch the top of my ear lobe, my relatives thought I was a hippy. On the other hand, when I was growing up, only drunken sailors got tattoos. Not too long ago, psychologists thought that people who had piercings anywhere other than their ear lobes had self-distruct tendencies. My parents thought the Rolling Stones were simply bad noise. I feel the same way about today's rappers, and I still think tattoos and piercings are kind of revolting. However, I'm guessing that over 50% of individuals under the age of 40 have at least one. My taste isn't better than theirs, their music means something to them, and they can't all be self distructive. Aristotle wrote that the younger generation of his time were bums, my parents thought we all were hippies, and I have no idea how this country will survive when the millenials take over.... some things never change.