The White House shot from the hip, firing her out of fear of negative press. Just like when he shot his mouth off without all the facts in the black proffesor/police dispute Obama needs to lead and not worry so much about what his critics at Fixed News are saying. I mean really, if he cured cancer, and ended world suffering, Beck, Hannity, O Reily, et. al would still say it's a socialist plot. Just like you.
lol, Shepard Smith had the balls to criticize his on network for running the edited piece and he criticized the white house as well.
I watched O'Rielly last night and he took full blame for not reading the entire transcript and apologized to the chick that got fired. It was discussed at length that news has given up veracity for speed. I thought it was big of him. But she got fired before any news broke on it. Still does not explain why the white house and the NAACP went off on her when they had the full video also. White House is also insisting that they did not get involved, but the woman is saying they were. Overall not an impressive event for the admin.
So please enlighten me. What's the difference between that and O'Reilly running the tape without doing some homework. Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly are commentators. They are paid to give opinions. They are not reading the news to viewers. They are giving their opinions about the stories of the day. They do allow opposing viewpoints, though it's usually from people who are just as biased the other way (Alan Colmes, Bob Beckel, etc.) Their shows are extremely popular judging from the ratings. If you want to hear your liberal, Bush hating, Obama loving views espoused, I suggest you watch the broadcast networks or you can join the other 3 people who regularly watch Keith Olbermann and that psychotic lesbian Rachel Mad Cow. If Obama ever does anything that I felt deserved credit, I would give it to him. Let me know when it happens.