Idk do I? Taint is still here, so are you for that matter. I guess it's sort of a crazy social experiment to observe extremely unhappy folks
I got this in an email yesterday. It says lifetime hosting for one payment. $19.95 for oe domain and limited bandwidth and $97 for unlimited domains and lots of bandwidth.
I pay $15/mo. with discount for longevity with said company. Comes with a TB of bandwidth, up to 5 domains on the server, and unlimited email options for each domain on the server.
Pretty good. I just thought I'd pass the info to you if you wanted to check it out. I haven't watched the video yet but if it looks legit I might go ahead and get the $97 package. I don't have any need for it right now but I probably will need hosting again at some point in time
Oh I appreciate the heads up, i'll look in to them. Always looking for a cheaper or better option in hosting. But as of now I have a pretty good thing going.