Try to get your brain working. If everybody could opt out of what they dislike paying for, how many people in this country would opt out of funding foreign aid or a Superpower military? Far more than would opt out of Social Security and Medicare. How many would opt out of high tech research programs, NASA, and other expensive programs that have made America great? Way too many. Many people would opt out of paying for air traffic control, state universities, a coast guard or border patrols. Many would selfishly opt out of everything that they can. It's a silly notion that a citizen should be able to make government meet his individual needs above all else. It would be frightfully expensive with all the money going to a vast bureaucracy to keep up with everybody's "share." No government on earth has ever or could ever function like this. Not even the French! The most powerful country on earth would self-destruct out of individual greed. It's a fantasy.
It's a fantasy to believe that the national government is the best, most effective and efficient way to accomplish all those goals.
Yoiu are telling me that this current leadership and our Congress are effective? Don't drink whiskey and post.
Our government is horrible . . . except compared to all of the other governments in the world. And especially compared to the third-world anarchy that you seem to advocate.
I actually like our system of government, but right now it is run by a bunch of fools who are ruining our country. Please excuse me if I choose to not be happy about that. What I want is a government that runs efficiently and doesn't waste the taxpayers' (my) money on unnecessary social programs. I don't know where you are getting the advocate for anarchy stuff. Uncle Sam has become fat, bloated, and unhealthy. He needs to lose some weight.
Depriving the government of all the revenue that would occur with everybody being able to opt out of what he disapproves of would render it ineffective and us without a government. And before you claim that the present government is ineffective, that's just rhetoric. The present government is not perfect, but it is far from being unable to function.