Red would you ever create taxes for those that don't pay now? and if not would you consider either removing or scaling back their services.
Two things. 1. Under a true flat tax, everyone would pay something. The very poor would pay very small, almost token taxes. Hillary wanted this, saying that being in the tax game, only for a small amount, is good for the poor and keeps them focused more in the real economy instead of the subsidized one. 2. Services go to everybody, not just those who don't pay taxes. And those who don't pay taxes makes so little money that they don't OWE taxes under our current plan of tax credits and deductions. Most of these people are retirees on social security, the disabled, full-time students, and widows ineligible for social security. Few are indigent women with dependent children on welfare. But many of that 49% are middle-class working people. A family with a $50,000 income and two children pays no taxes under our current system. They get huge breaks from child tax credits and dependent deductions and end up owing zero. Anyone with dependents and tax credits is getting government tax subsidies. Probably you and anyone that is married and has children. Single people subsidize couple with kids with higher taxes.
I knew I was getting screwed!! We need some major tax reform, so stupid things like this can't happen. Why in the hell should I have to pay to support someone else's children?
Because my children are beautiful and a blessing to this planet. Thank you for your contributions on their behalf.
Do you think a flat tax (opt out option) would work. Say I wanted to pay 10% of my gross and opt out of govt (federal). services besides defense/roads and what not.
Totally impractical. The government can't be set up to give each person exactly what they want. It would increase costs immensely.
My kids save me about 3,000 in taxes. They cost a hell of a lot more than that. If you want to save 3 grand off your tax bill find a charity you like and cut them a check for whatever times your tax rate equals 3,000. You are probably coming out way better than actually having to support children.
the intrinsic value of your children is enough plus it was your choice to have them. you shouldnt be further rewarded. actually, you've created more issues for the planet, not helped it. people with children should in fact be taxed more heavily.
How is that my problem? It was your choice to have children. I can do this and it still doesn't change the fact that taxes grant favoritism to families with children. I agree and it was a choice I made. It still doesn't mean I should subsidize your children.