Thoughts? This should have probably been in the Round Table. I just associate Rivals with recruiting. Sorry.
yahoos format is pretty ideal for my tastes. none of the hogging bandwith crap like your major sites. simple and fast. hopefully they maintain it this way. does anyone really like all that crap over simpler sites? i do not.
That's why I never visit ESPN is buying out several of the scout afifiliate network sites as well, notably the USC and Florida scout sites.
Seems well-placed to me. Brett showed a lot of foresight since he'd started this forum several years back. This forum has had some impact on some of the options that will be available in the "New" forum. The scout one is WIDE open, almost anything goes. A lot of fun but also aggrevating to those who visit mainly for football info. I've been surprised at how much resistance a couple of USC posters are putting up about "Specific forums" rather than one board with threads on anything from good football insight by members who attend practices to the latest on Paris Hilton or dating advice.
Better than Scout's new partnership with MySpace. I guess they can start recruiting reports with all the 4th graders that are on. MySpacesports.........lame, lame, lame.
Completely inaccurate description. The sites that are affiliated with Scout are almost ALL independently owned and operated. Under Scout, the site owners/admins had little say in the performance of the servers (horrible), the content provided (often incorrect), and the stories being run (teaser headlines that had nothing to do with the story). On occasion, some Scout admins would go into forums and edit/delete posts. Scout's customer service is better described as customer nonservice. At this point, there are 4 schools that have terminated their relationship with Scout and joined into a content/recruiting partnership with ESPN....OU, OSU, USC, and Florida. More than a dozen more have recently filed applications to do the same thing. The sites are still independently owned and operated and more importantly each admin is now free to choose format, content, stories, and run the forums as they see fit. While ESPN kicked in several million toward a recruiting database, the site admins have also invested significant amounts.
Deceks, that's a much better explanation than I could give- vball is good friends with Garry, who owns the site, and knows much more about the "Deal". :thumb:
This is a more accurate picture and perhaps even worse. At least you can get American Idol updates along with scores and highlights. MYSPACE AT RUPERT'S PLACE. Now the 74-year-old media mogul is looking to make a similar mark on the Internet. That became apparent during the last few weeks, when News Corp. announced it would spend $580 million to acquire Intermix (MIX ), the parent of wildly popular MySpace. The social-networking site is popular among younger users, who use home pages to create extended networks of friends. It has a particularly strong following among fans of independent and rock music (see BW Online, 6/13/05, "Hey, Come To This Site Often?"). News Corp. also recently announced the acquisition of Scout, a leading college sports site.