I'm looking at today's Daily Reveille which has a title article called "An UGA-Lee Loss: Quarterback Jefferson may see playing time.". The color photo of Jarrett Lee in the Georgia game is Photoshopped to make Lee look like a black quarterback. What the hell is that all about?
The advocate has a same titled article with a pic of Jefferson. Are you sure it's not just a poor quality pic of Jefferson? Is there any way you could post the pic you're looking at?
I think its that sepia tone, what women love their wedding photos to be in. Doesnt look to black to me.:hihi:
I see it and it looks to be greyed out and not just his skin tone, his uni also. Don't think that they were trying to make him look bla......afro..... oh what ever white people are allowed to say.
you are right it is photoshopped but not in the way you are thinking. It is a color filter they are using that makes the red, whites, yellows stand out, while darken everything else
Yeah you can but this was photoshopped. Poorly! Look at Lee, they brought out the yellow in the helmet and the strips on the jersey but forgot to add the yellow to the pants