They said that about Clinton . . . and it only got better. Standard and Poors just downgraded the US federal credit rating for the first time in history. They don't think that this Congress and get anything done or reach agreements on anything. It has to be the worst Congress ever.
So you're going to compare him to Clinton? Sometimes, congress doing nothing is good. Sometimes you need gridlock, this is one of those times. 0bamacare was shoved down. For more on this....... Fannie Mae Seeks $5.1 Billion More From Taxpayers [ame=""]Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis‏ - YouTube[/ame] [ame=""]Barney Frank Caught Lying About Fannie Mae‏ - YouTube[/ame]'s quite obvious and you well know...the previous Congress was by far the worst of all time. Reid and Pelosi created much of this mess which led to the American public saying ENOUGH. That's why there was a Tea Party movement. Had the remnants of the last Congress not continued their stance of SPEND, SPEND, SPEND...our rating would still be AAA. Spin and blame all you want but Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are responsible for this mess. This administration is clueless yet determined to keep right on track to nowhere. :dis:
I think this congress should take a page out of Obama's book. This congress should blame all their problems on the previous congress. Who, by the way, couldn't even pass a budget even though they controlled all three branches of government.
2 days stocks plummet over 1100 points, and our credit rating is downgraded. But John Boehner got 98% of what he wanted. Worst Congress Ever? Yep, not even close.
Obama's stance: We are really a AAA country and S&P sucks. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. All is well.
Exactly, and lets blame the Tea Party while we are at it. That is like blaming a policeman because there is crime.
it is not the job of the government to manahge the stock market. it is not the job of the government to please rating agencies.