how you guys debate politics over the internet baffles me. like any of you are willing to be persuaded by some guy behind a keyboard that you can't look in the eye and drink a cold one with. can't say it ain't entertaining though , i already know how everybody is going to respond. lasalle usually stirs the pot, rex disagrees...then saban or red weighs in and the other comes in and takes a jab, and it ends in a pissing match. it's like watching a sitcom (cue seinfeld bass)
Let's ask MASTERMIND and assignupe99 what they think. Are you having anger management issues today or have you just misplaced your sense of humor? LaSalle has the right medicine for you. tirk and I are bringing it over to you, . . . if we don't forget . . .
Those dudes don't know me, therefore I really don't care what they think. This forum is being dominated by dopers and ignorant fools. I have been here about 9 years and have never had to put up with the crap that is happening now. The scourge of drugs is as big a problem as the plummeting economy but I have to see a thread title giving the fking marijuana plant of the day? This is below the level of TigerDroppings. I feel like I'm trying to deal with a bunch of reform school thugs. At least for football discussions I have another option, but FSA has gone to shyt. GD right I'm pissed off. It doesn't help that you've branded me a racist when, in fact, you have never...not once...had a face to face conversation with me. I hate Obama, I hate people who take advantage of federal social programs and I hate liberals. That makes me a right wing conservative, not a damn racist.
Govt official: US expecting S&P downgrade August 05, 2011 4:51 PM A government official tells ABC News that the federal government is expecting and preparing for bond rating agency Standard & Poor’s to downgrade the rating of US debt from its current AAA value. Officials reasons given will be the political confusion surrounding the process of raising the debt ceiling, and lack of confidence that the political system will be able to agree to more deficit reduction. A source says Republicans saying that they refuse to accept any tax increases as part of a larger deal will be part of the reason cited. The official was unsure if the bond rating would be AA+ or AA. jake tapper obamanomics in full effect.