So.... I won't get to watch the game live tomorrow. Saturday either if it makes it that far.... I hope my piece 'o **** Cox dvr can record two full games in HD. I'll be watching on Sunday. .... planned a camping trip long ago. Off week for LSU and all. Never expected the 'cards to do this well in the post-season. Was quite concerned about them making the post-season --- long before that slide the last couple of weeks of the season. Here's to getting in on Sunday and watching a WS victory for the Cardinals!
Don't worry, you'll be coming home to watch a thrilling game 7 So you won't be so pissed when your DVR didn't record the 2 Cardinal losses
you got it. his mouth is such a jinx, he actually empowered the ant-jinx gods to make eckstein the mvp of the world series. if thats not proof, i dunno what is. how is that freakin' possible. the gd little engine that couldnt. deep down, im happy for the NL for sure. sick of hearing the disparity (even if true) b/t the 2 leagues just like the AFC/NFC comparisons. an 83 win team winning the world series--12 less wins than the tigers who play in a division 10x better. down 3-1, the tigers are done. carp will end this mess if needed. if kenny rogers doesnt pitch in st louie he's gutless.
he shoulda pitched this next game with the 4 days rest. i mean he is unhittable, their ace, unstoppable (at home) but never pitches on the road if at all avoidable. But i knew he wasnt, just sayin'.
Yeah true. And Verlander has not really had a solid start yet in the postseason. You would think Leyland would want to take some of the pressure off the kid by pitching him at home instead. Do you agree that if Detroit takes the series back home, they have an excellent chance of winning it? Rogers at home vs. a shaky "road-weary" Carpenter seems appealing. Then I take my chances in game 7. I think Weaver will finally get lit up tomorrow. I think it's a major mistake not to go with Reyes. Is Reyes pitching game 7 on the road? That's an awful big burden on the kid.
In other MLB news, Bruch Bochy does his best impression of Benedict Arnold and changes sides to the Giants. Hershisher might get the A's job. I don't see him cut out for a managerial job at all. Dude wasn't all that good as a pitching coach for the Rangers.
Congratulations Cardinals for winning the World Series I am putting in my vote for Cy Young for Weaver This post has been brought to you by: TirkLovesMyJinxingPosts