I listened to the entire AD speech. He said that CBP was not given an oppty to stay. I believe him. Dude just seemed believable, CBP has a history of not being believable. I doubt Jordan Grove was in the room with them.
she didn't get it from arkansas....she got it directly from Bobby Petrino's pocket....probably hush hush $$$
I would think the job was for hush hush. I would think the $20k was for an abortion and a little bit of hush.
Very expensive piece of a$$ for bobby. Hope it was worth it. Although I suspect this wasn't the first time..
On the Hogville site, Texman's post is the most telling... "Probably the most integrity he has shown in a while is the admission of guilt and not blaming anyone but himself. " "In a while" ????? How about "ever" !!