I come to apologize to you, I talked to one of my army ranger friends and he said it was a terrible idea. A mans' first instinct is to protect a woman, which would distract him from the real fight. I agree.
No apology required. I knew i was right from the start. For every valid reason anyone can give in agreement I can provide 2 against. I was more offended that you dont think I can hit my R11. Offer stands, set up the game and I will be happy to teach you
Maybe we should let people who have been in battle make this call. I mean from a person who wasn't in the military my first thought is if they want to get shot at and killed, who am I to argue, but that's just it, I shouldn't be arguing because I've never done it. So leave it up to the ones who have to serve in my opinion.
Did you feel that way about homosexuals in the military? I remember most of the "battlefield guys" said it was a bad idea.
Different situation, if we are talking about openly serving then I'm all for gays in the military, but I would leave it up to the military if we are talking about front line combat.