WJBO, WBRZ, and the AP Reporting RP kicked off the team.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Swerved, May 2, 2008.

  1. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    This thread really needs to be combined with the "Perrilloux" thread.
  2. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    What a moron. You've got the winning freaking lottery ticket, and you start doing drugs.

    Good riddance.
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  3. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    Some of you are STILL not getting it. I don't care how "young" he is or that "all of us have done things like this when we were young". That is total bull****. The guy was told time and again what was expected. He failed. He should have been gone a long time ago but I kept my opinion to myself thinking that anyone with half a brain would do what was needed to fix what needed fixing. He has not gained one ounce of cognition in all of the incidents he was involved. I don't see ANY other player on this team with something to lose making questionable choices. What the hell are some of you giving him a free pass for his? I've know since I was 2 that certain actions led to other reactions. I also learned the consequenses of negative actions and I decided not to do that anymore.
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  4. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    im still more concerned about rp saturating the market and weakening the value of the dollar.

    haha, yeah that damn legality thing that always gets in the way.
  5. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    ...and icreasing the effects of global warming on the Antarctic ice shelf.
  6. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Col finds no joy in this thread at all. Other conferences will just "highlight" this. I know I'm not in the same ballpark as some of you as far as my being a Tiger fan, but it truely saddens me that this young man has let himself, his family, his child, and THE GREAT TIGER NATION down. I hope his gf really loves him and didn't just have NFL eyes!!!!!!!!! Very sad day IMO. :geauxtige
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  7. TigerFan87

    TigerFan87 Founding Member

    Oct 20, 2007
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    I really wish people would quit making excuses for him. He is an idiot, plain and simple. Give me the starting QB position at LSU, and I'll never drink a drop of alcohol and be in bed by 8:30 every night...GLADLY.

    All he had to do was play football and stay out of trouble. If I got kicked out of LSU tomorrow for bad grades, no one would be on here defending me because I'm young and we all screw up. If I got into a bar fight and was arrested, no one would be defending me. I'd be rotting in jail if I couldn't make bail. Sure, he is in the media spotlight, but it's that same fame that gets him off easy. He's luck to have had so many chances. Take off the purple and gold glasses. The team will be better without the distraction he brings. Jarrett Lee is very capable, and if history has taught us anything, we just need a QB that can manage games to get us to the NC (Mauck and Flynn).
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  8. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    I don't think anyone finds any joy in this thread. It is a sad day for everyone concerned. But Miles made the right choice. Now the LSU program needs to get past it, go on and take care of business.
  9. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest


    Those things were probably more of a distraction to people like us than his teammates.
  10. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    Dope is for hippies, losers and street corner thugs. It has no place in an LSU Uniform. Bye druggie. See you in jail soon.

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