This woman is an idiot. Sadly, she isn't alone. Please, please Maxine. Be so bold you and the Dems do nothing but this for 4 years. Please.
Stuff your sanctimony. Maxine is absolutely correct. Hillary would have already been impeached on 1/10th of what we have on Trump, and I guarantee that you would not be calling anybody who brought up the motion a witch.
Thats cute. So far you have Zero on Trump. I would like you and NC to get me your math. More than likely it's wrong...
Has nothing to do with being the "dude". If we can just make accusations to get a special council 4 months into a presidency then wtf is the point of our republic? Seriously man. Here is how it went down: We put Russia under surveillance (for good reason) Russia is putting feelers out. (you and I both know damn good well Russia can't win an election, but they sure as shit can cause discontent for the idiots in congress) we swallowed it hook line and sinker I can't get anyone on the left to answer me with reason. I know you will give it your honest though, but these other 3 yahoo's just dont like Trump and dont care about reality. Nothing adds up. This dumb Russian bitch was a honeypot. I mean, its so god damn obvious. Not to the left. We learned about this shit in cyber school. But whatever. There was so much collusion, Russia waited until what, May 2016 to get it rolled and USED EMAIL to do it.... Ok man. Now, they wont stop at Trump. Witch hunt. Good luck.
If the meeting with the Russian lawyer was so innocent then why did they first deny it happened, and then why did Trump lie about what was discussed?
If there was "collision" I don't think it was anyone going into it thinking it was against the law or unethical. Did they work with Russia to spread misinformation? Maybe, but I don't see any difference in that and just normal politics. All politics are is misinformation these days. Democrats need to take a long hard look in the mirror instead of crying foul all the time.
Dammit rex what's wrong with those elitist democrats? Algore uses more than 20 times the energy the average american uses while extorting millions...please explain