will a 20 year old player get suspended for alcohol? it IS illegal. wing is more of a thug than mathieu. remember him beating the crap out of a kid in hs?
Maybe there is more to the story than him simply "beating the crap out of a kid in hs?" "The kid in hs" may have swung first or maybe "the kid" put his hands on Wing's girlfriend or one of his friends or something. Is "the kid" really a kid? Does that even really matter? IDK. Maybe you know something I-we don't, but I'd like a lot more info b-4 I label the "young man" (Wing) a "thug." Just my opinion. I kind of hope there is more to it than Wing straight up "beating the crap out of a kid in hs." On a side note, I'd be pretty embarrassed about getting my a@& handed to me by a punter. Maybe "the kid in hs" isn't a trained, future professional athlete. He's probably not or we might know who he actually was instead of just being "a kid in hs." Still, you gotta lose some man points for having the smack-down laid upon you by a punter. Sounds like a pretty bad day to me!
You're better off letting it go & walking away. He's one of those "zero tolerance" loons with regards to weed.
Therefore the answer is, assuming LSU has not lost "its Balls"- To develop your own athletics conference league outside of Auburn (2004, 2006, 2007 Glen Dorsey no call game & another clear example of the state of Alabama willing to use crimminal methods to win). Alabama (Bryants recruiting & buying referees each season LSU had any real chance, and there were many of those back then, 2009 - Patrick Peterson no call, 2008 - I seem to recall officiating which helped Alabama in that in OT loss, 2012 BCSNC - horsecollar tackle to start the damn thing off no call, UF (2006 Jamarcus Russell ends up losing both of his games that season to crooked referees in Gainsville & Auburn in away games eliminating LSU/USCw title hopes), UGA (2005 SEC Championship which eliminated LSU/USCw titles hopes, Tennessee (2000 even though LSU won it in OT) Why our league would work in a fiscal sense? A. We'd run it clean with honor and call games straight. Mississippi, Arkansas, La Tech, Texas (TCU, SMU), Memphis, Tulane (if they rebuilt the program), USF, and schools not in the immediate area could be invited. Why it would work? B. LSU is a recognized champion and could attract plenty of support . We are not shackled to the SEC
Wait....what? I think I know what you were talking about, and agree with what I think you were talking about....once or twice or something?? Honestly, you lost me bro. I thought we were discussing weed and it's treatment by authority figures and how all that pertains to athletes in collegiate athletics. I...I'm soooo confused. Talk about a rant! You outdid me there my friend. I picture you in a purple and gold suit, sweating like crazy, preaching to a room(or stadium)-full of Tiger fans humming and chanting in the backround. There is a Tiger (maybe one of 'em is actually Mike VI) on either side of the stage, growling and clawing at the cage doors! There's also a long cell at the back of the stage with several malnourished Bama fans crying and begging for mercy. It's probably where Harvey Updyke will be in his afterlife. His own personal LSU hell! Saban and Miles have joined forces just after Saban pulled a Pete Carroll on Bama and is now pissing purple and gold urine on Bama broken crystals! What a glorious day it is! Can I get a GEAUX TIGERS!!! Sorry, derailed the thread a bit again. Bit of a doomsday rant in the spirit of December 21, 2012 and all.
no one labelled him a thug. and he is 6'3" 200 http://www.nola.com/lsu/index.ssf/2011/08/tigers_punter_wing_had_prior_b.html reads likes its reasonable, but who knows.
I disapprove of illegal drug use by young developing players absolutely. I disapprove of LSU being treated with total disrespect by the SEC. I question what can be done to fix either or both issues. I'm really quite simple...I don't like cheats I've always been clean on a field thus my dilema.