You're not a party animal in your twenties any more darling. That round house kick could well put YOUon your ass.
Once I bought what I thought were premium tickets off of ebay. Can't remember exactly what I paid for them, but it wasn't cheap. They were a couple of rows up, right behind the LSU bench. Problem was, we couldn't see the field for all of the players/coaches/equipment and various other people/items blocking our line of sight. I remember thinking how much sense it made that whoever owned those season tickets, was selling them on ebay. He probably used the money to buy seats with a better view. I would be pissed it those were my allotted season ticket seats.
Those seats would be great for a ONE and done trip for kids. They'd love being that close to the players. They may be able to talk to players, get autos, etc.
Right and that'd basically what it was. My son's first game and it was against Ole Piss. We made the most of it and had a great time interacting with the folks around us and he was excited to be so close to the bench, but I couldn't imagine shelling out that kind of money for season tickets and having to sit there year after year. You literally can't see anything going on on the field. Most of the people around us were one and dones as well, so I guess the people who own those seats just pick a few games to go to each year, then sell the rest.
You are correct, but that's a weak excuse. I wake up at 9pm friday night, go to work till 11am the next morning (11pm-11am and sometimes later) 12 hour work shift...and I don't work behind a desk. I deliver food (1200 cases per shift with most cases weighing 30 lbs) I drive home (45 minutes), shower, head to the bar (i sold my season tix this year) eat and drink from 3pm till end of game, last nignt was 9ish (too drunk to remember exact time) wanted to watch Poirier fight, but i was finally too tired. I was up 25-26 hours) So that's no excuse unless you have kids