And your record isn't broken? "You're a neo-Con", "all politicians suck", "you voted for them". See any solutions there?
You make a good point about them pretty much being the same. Democrats and Republicans that is, or at least the ones in office. I find it amusing that the GOP ran on fiscal responsibility and the RNC is 22 million dollars in debt. Sounds pretty responsible to me. The DNC is 17 million in debt but they aren't running around talking about fiscally responsible they are.
RP is a person. I subscribe to a philosophy. And SF I provide solutions. Usually you won't like it b/c it's too conservative for you
it really is of no consequence what the financial affairs of the party are. if they need to pick up debt in an attempt to get their message out, thats a perfectly reasonable strategy. presumably they felt like they needed to invest in the midterm elections, which worked for them. but oh no lasalle knows how strategy works right?
Fannie and Freddie issued about 24% of the sub-prime loans, 84% came from private corporations. Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis | McClatchy