I am completely 100% for hacking apart the budget immediately. But unfortunately I'm not the guy in charge. Here's my plan if I was in charge. If the US government has 2 trillion dollars in revenue each year, then budget to spend 1.5 trillion and use the other 500 billion as that year's debt payment. It will still take something like 28 years to pay off the debt, but eventually it will be paid off.
The only chance this country has is cut entitlements and cut military spending. In other words, get the US government out of the way of the American people at home and out of the way of people abroad.
It's a Republican mistake to separate spending from revenue. You can't just cut 500 billion and let spending go on. That was tried by Bush and failed miserably. And when forced to find 500 billion in real programs, you will find it hard to do.
Entitlement spending is about equal to a rounding error in the Pentagon budget. That's just a feel-good measure. To get anywhere significant in deficit reduction we have to reduce the big ticket items. 1. Medicare 2. Social Security 3. Pentagon 4. Income Security Interactive Chart, see the breakdown
You continue with your anti-GOP/Bush carping, but Obama is spending more than Bush ever did and I'll be damned if I can find any increases in revenue. Where's the famous Red outrage over what Obama had done and will do to the deficit?
There is no way we get a handle on the deficit without meaningful entitlement reform; something the Democrats will never agree to. It is their sacred cow.
The same place as your rage over Bush's unprecedented spending. Bush got to start off with budget surpluses and the biggest bear market ever. Obama got to start off with Bush's deficits, unfunded mandates, TWO unfinished wars, and the worst financial collapse since the great depression. Like I said before, he's facing both Bush's deficits and his own.
Call me after Obama has had to deal with a 9/11. He's had no such crisis and all he's done is spend billions on a worthless stimulus and tried to jam socialistic programs down out throats.