Oh Stacey, I can tolerate your love affair with your uncle Les. It's sort of cute now and again and me and you know who gets a good laugh out of it from time to time; but please, nothing could EVERYTHING make that fool look good. Nothing...Ever...he sucked and I wish I never knew his name.
i used to feel that way about a many of folks, trust me, its better for you to let it go...... im not in love with the guy myself.
I'm doing my best to forget he ever existed at all. People on this damn board won't stop talking about him. Then @StaceyO comes along and says that in comparison he was somehow made to look better than dogshit. Trust me, never enters my mind until someone else brings it up.
You should simply go back and watch some old games. He Who Shall Not Be Named isn't, in fact, the worst we've ever seen.
Seriously! Are you trying to cause a stroke? I have enough trouble dealing with the bullshit happening now. Do you really want me to watch the dago take a team loaded with all Americans get beat? As for "him" he ranks below J.H. IMO at least I will type his initials.
He does NOT rank below JH--geez, for the love of all that's holy!! He Who Shall Not Be Named was still within one game of being a national championship winning QB.