You might be on to something. The first thing I did when I got home from the game was pass out. After that, I looked up Sheppard's highlight reel on youtube since I heard this kid being billed as the franchise. I was surprised to see that his passing stats are woeful, but man, the kid can run. I would'nt be surprised to see it at all.
I'm more along the lines of believing the Wild Tiger won't be the main formation. If I've seen nothing from Crowton it's that he loves to use multiple formations. Just like the pistol, Wild Tiger will have it's place and time to be used, depending how successful it is, possibly more often; But I still think there will be a definite need for a "pocket" QB. Whether that's Lee, Jefferson, or Garrett I won't get into. But I do feel they will still definitely have a roll in our offense.
After watching the game this weekend I asked the very same question. If we're going to run that formation, why not run it with personnel that can test the defense. For that matter, why not put TH in at tailback and run either sweeps or options with him? Get him in space and let him go. :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
If we must run this (seems as if it's the current hot formation -- thanks Nutt!), for the love of God... put Keiland back there. He can run AND throw (i.e.: Auburn game this year). *cough* Ole Miss *cough*