If there's one thing that's clear, it's that Trump's supporters ain't leaving. I think the Republican party has a much better CHANCE of winning with Trump as the Republican nominee than if he's denied and runs as a third party guy and takes his peeps, and believe me, he will.
As much as I hate Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, and almost all the national level Dems, there is no doubt in my mind that the democratic agenda is SO MUCH better for me and my family, personally. Other than gun rights, I see very, very little that the GOP has to offer to anyone other than the 1% class. I know it is a nauseating prospect to stand with Hillary, Al and all the other mega-losers, and I cannot/will not. But from a standing start I would be much further along with the Dems. Read a great book by a NYT liberal, some time ago, about how effective the 1%'ers have been in recruiting an army to fight the dems for them, so they do not have to get their hands dirty. They rally the troops on surrogate issues, such as guns, abortion, taxes, and principally, race. I know legions would deny this, but based on my observations, these topics are the common DNA that unites so many under the GOP flag, when that flag has nothing to offer them. Unfortunately, to the extent the GOP uses race to incite the droves of poor whites against the Dems, the Democratic leadership uses equally strong legions of people on the dole to support their ultra rich lifestyle. Why people getting money from the government, can vote themselves more money is beyond insane! Regardless of which party "wins" it is only gonna be a relatively few individuals, on either side, that really "wins." Democracy, in the US of A, has essentially, run its course. Don't be surprised.
You are too dumb to respond to any longer. Have fun with your choices. Sad to think I gave 22 years of my life for this republic and this shit show is my reward. That and a bunch of idiots that are giddy about it makes it even worse. I'm now with the cat that's going fishing.
You have now removed whatever doubt there may have been in my mind. You need to take a one way trip to Pineville.
Listen dummy, what you're missing is that I won't cast a vote for "our" party cause "our party" ain't what it claims to be. Read my lips, "No more Washington". The Republican party's conservatism is bleek. They control Congress but still don't do what they were elected to do. They talked the talk, got elected, and have sat on their asses offering nothing. Fuck them punks.