????? this is the main problem with the team. The offensive line is shit, which screws the timing of the offense. This guy hasnt been good since he was hired.
I used to hate Stud as OL coach because I thought we sucked. He wasn't as bad as what we have now. Pretty ugly across that front.
This cannot be emphasized enough. We should have never let him back in town after we'd already gotten rid of him. Grimes hasn't impressed me, either. Oh, and during last night's Cowboys game, there was a little additional shade thrown at LSU from Collinsworth (who I can't stand), "La'el Collins is an excellent run blocker, but he has a ways to go with pass blocking."
I read last night that he is now only responsible for special teams and a grad assistant will now be coaching linebackers.
For the same reason that Bradley Dale Peveto is still employed. You can't hire a whole new staff 6 days before you play a game. You can't fire everybody at once in the middle of the season. If you can get a parlay on Grimes and BDP not being around next year bet the house.
Collinsworth is an ass. If he was as good on the field as he is in his mind he'd own every record. I turn the sound off when he does a game. Don't like Phil Simms either.
Let's face it. The news yesterday was welcome but we're still in a giant mess. Not only do we still have a bad OL coach, a bad special teams coach, and now a big question mark at OC, but we're stuck with a team which has been practicing from a crappy playbook. The coaches can be replaced, but how do we make up for all that practice time devoted to irredeemable garbage?