She didn't. Besides, the comment was made in terms of student to student. See the context? Students tutoring students...
IMHO, at a certain level, BLM, might be OK. Just like Muslims might be OK. But to be legit, and not an outlet for terror, they have to condem, strongly...White House Rose Garden or front page strongly, each and every communication or threat their so called supporters make. Unfortunately, this just does not happen, either with the BLM crowd or the vast majority of Muslims. Some half assed, heavily caveated comment, which ends in a phrase starting with "but" doesn't cut it. AND, they need to expunge Michael Brown's name from their roll call of so called victims. The hyper racist DoJ, under Eric Holder exposed the Gentle Giant, but those that espouse terror just won't accept this reality.
This is why no one should support the Tan Klan. That's what they really are ya know.
When they start speaking out against murdering each other I'll take them seriously, because they kill each other way more than the police do.
Someone said there was a petition to get them labeled as a domestic terrorist organization. Well, that doesn't happen by petition, I'd sign it anyway but yes they should be a DTO however they have nothing to worry about under this admin.