50 billion is nothing. Where would the Chinese park their trillion dollars? There is nothing as safe as the treasury. Nothing. No debate. Why would they do it. It would wreck their economy. Completely.
along these lines, only kucinich could be so liberal as to make the pubs side with obama.... http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100310/pl_nm/us_afghanistan_usa_congress this may placate the left wing of the democratic party, but will do nothing to win over the moderates. the moderates are the ones getting fed up and the party is losing. this could make the congressional elections even worse for the dems. i think it could make obama to appear moderate on foreign affairs by opposing the liberal base of the party, but right now the dems need to concentrate on not losing congressional and senate seats.
i really think this could hurt the dems in congress. i dont think it will have any effect on obama. it may piss off the liberals, but when it comes down to it, it wont effect him cause he isnt up for reelection in the fall. however, the dems in congress that are this is not helping. right now, the congressional dems....
Not the point. They are submitting the bill knowing it has no chance. They are fiddling while Rome burns. Only uninformed nimrods want the troops out prematurely.
Only uninformed nimrods want the troops in an un-declared war costing over $1 Trillion dollars a year. Name the benefits....
Other than a few cents in gas and some time in airport security, what do you care? It's easy to sit in your own righteous indignation filth and wring your hands of the whole thing because you don't support it. I mean, hell - let's just stop now and bring the boys home.
the taliban supports and harbors al qaeda and islamic militants. the terrorists who are intent on blowing us up every chance they get. going after the taliban = going after terrorists = trying to keep our asses from getting blown up.