You don't understand game flow, I get it. If it's 2:38, yeah maybe. Nobody in their right mind thinks you need a whopping 3:38 in a 2 minute offense. They don't call it the 4 minute offense for a reason.
The defense was owning UCF the whole first half. There was no reason to avoid them going back out one more time.
Not calling the timeout absolutely destroys our game flow. You then go into the first half up 10 backing your way out instead of potentially stepping on the jugular.
No I do get the flow. We score there and we break their dicks off. Dont FAIL to score from time running out.
Instead with your thinking you gave new life to UCF. Risk/reward. You actually think we needed an entire 3:38 to score a touchdown? The way we were are throwing on them? If we are Georgia Tech who can't throw a forward pass, hell yes call that timeout. Game flow. Circumstances. Clock management. It's not for just anyone to understand.
Sure. The calculated risk was very low though given our first half defensive performance. You can’t just evaluate it in retrospect.
True.They made a perfect throw and catch with a backup qb. Odds that does not happen are in our favor.
Listen stupid, all one has to do is check time of possession to see how stupid it is to question clock mgt