How dare you use my own squad against me. :yelwink2: and you vote that way because you vote republican, I demand a recount.
Ironic as it may be, that is a hard core conservative donkey homie. He aint about no hand outs, illegal immigrant stuff. Notice that mo-jacker doesn't have a paddle. That is because some slimy ass liberal honk came by and tried to give him one but that would have made him subservient to the man for the rest of his life. He told him what he could do with his paddle. Oh and donkey don't smoke no hippie lettuce either.
First you need to: 1) call everyone you disagree with a racist 2) blame America for all the evil in the world 3) want to give our children's future wealth to the poor people in the world 4) teach our first graders about gay sex 5) call our great military men babykillers 6) insist that all references to God be removed from our daily lives 7) insist that another 30 million illegals get free everything from the gov and vote democrat for the rest of their lives 8) blame conservatives as to why cities like Detroit have a 50% illiteracy rate among adults even though Detroit has been ran by democrats for 47 years 9)insist that we can not drill for our own oil and gas here in the united states and blame conservatives because there isn't enough supply 10) insist the sky is falling to further a political enviromentalist agenda and destroy a prime contributer to republican politicans 11) claim that not enough is done for poor people when the only agenda is keeping the people on gov assistance to allow the vote farm to continue as it has for generations of poor democratic voters 12) spoke lovingly about communist talking points while claiming to not be a socialist 13) to cry like a lil bitch that the rich people don't pay enough for you to pay your voters more bribe money 14) to say that you are ashamed of your country that our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for.