You haven't offered anything to support your opinion. I would venture to explain how this works, but I am sure you will not listen.
I'm with mctiger. With the talent we have returning and the 2013 schedule, 10 wins isn't going to cut it for me.
When was the last time a coach was fired after taking a team to the NC? Really man. Every time this shit comes up, not a single damn person can offer a valid coach to replicate the success Miles has had. You don't just fire a good coach with no upgrade. Look at Tenn. Want to end up like that?
What does that mean? Changing teams? I am dead serious, stop watching the games, stop supporting. That is the ONLY way you fans that know everything will be heard.
Stop thinking of LSU football as a sport. Its a business. Miles is making LSU money. When that stops, Miles will stop.