If you drink too much and get sick, they have a tv in the bathroom...:lol: Watch out for that mini-bar....cokes were $2.00 each years ago. I noticed the price after opening one....would have been pissed if I had used the whole six pack. LOVE those robes though.:thumb:
Should the tickets go through (I have almost every student priority point known to man, so I don't anticipate a problem -- knock on wood), I will be there loud and proud!
Let's see. Here is what is going on in the Wee household over the next two months. Son's birthday on Sunday. Christmas is coming. We just bought a new living room set. Oh yeah, and a baby girl coming at the end of January/early February. All that being said. My friend and I who have season tickets together have put in for some. If we get lucky enough to get some...I think I will have to go the 'ship myself. Moral of the story: I need a raise, cause I am gonna be broke!
Unfortunately I probably won't be there. Yes it makes me sick to think about it. I've bidded on a few on ebay but I keep getting out bidded. Maybe in a couple of weeks the prices will go down. The hardest thing for me is to find someone to come with me that will pay the price that I would pay.
I have 2 chirens and christmas usually kills my funds. I'm not even gonna try to score tiks because it would be too much trauma fo rme if I don't succede.
Flying in from az on sunday before the game after a week skiing in Telluride...what a way to finish off the week!
[ I hear ya'...we went out and bought new dining room furniture after Arky....since we weren't gonna be needing the extra $$ for the trip to NO and all.....sooo, the furniture gets delivered yesterday and I can't even enjoy it. I kept asking my husband if we could take it back for the cash. I feel like I'm back in my dorm days looking for a ride to the plasma donation center...the way I'm trying to come up w/ extra money....Lucky for us the kids and dogs don't eat much :hihi: