Who would rather have playing QB on LSU Jefferson or Andrew Luck?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Fang, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Fang

    Fang Veteran Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Based on who is the starter red. Metbgr and Lee 100x better passer then Jefferson however they ride the pines bc they do not gel well with the rest of the guys AKA Andrew Luck wouldn't be the full time starter at LSU this year bc Jefferson works better in a run style offense and that's what's up!
  2. hklsu777

    hklsu777 Veteran Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    He did find one and his name is Zach Mettenberger. There was no hesitation on his run last night, and he's extremely impressive in the passing game. This team is going to be very good for a good while.

  3. Fang

    Fang Veteran Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    That's why he has played a total of 20 snaps this year and 8 of them have been knees. A big part of LSU is the option and other then a naked bootleg ZM can't run the option. I love the kid but LSU needs a two headed monster to win it all. thAT being confirmed who will run the option next year? Is he on the roster?
  4. hklsu777

    hklsu777 Veteran Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    Do you need to run the option with RR and OBJ et. al. and 6 deep at RB? LSU won it's first several games with a traditional offense and great D.

    Based on that naked bootleg last night I'm not so sure Mett couldn't. He's not as strong as JJ, but he makes his reads and decisions much quicker.

    We'll see.

  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, yeah, that's what I'm asking. How do you know this? "The guys" sure aren't saying anything like that. The line blocks well for both QB's, the receivers all catch balls with both QB's, the running backs all run well, no matter who hands off the ball.

    Where do you get this notion that Jefferson gets along better with his teammates?
  6. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    If lsu had luck as their qb they wouldn't have to rely on a running qb and wouldn't be forced to pass only eight times in a game as they did aginst ole piss.

    Luck would be a fit in any offense. He would make randal a heisman contender at receiver. We would throw the ball 25 times a game because luck can make NFL style throws. Luck can throw his receiver open, read a defense and check out of a play just as mett did with the bootleg saturday.

    If you think luck wouldn't start at lsu because jj is the better qb or running threat you are mistaken. You don't risk getting your qb hurt running the ball 20 times a game if you have the caliber qb that luck is. You don't see NFL qb's running 20 times a game except for a very few instances.

    For anyone to say jj is a better fit for lsu than luck would be is not looking at why we run an offense that relies on the qb to run the ball. Luck at qb for lsu would change how this offense is structured. Any coach would build his offense around a smart qb that can make throws that are in many cases indefensable.

    There are a few coaches on this board.They are infinately more qualified than I am. I listen closely to what they say. Not one of them would start jj or jl over luck if all three were on his team from day one as a freshman and all being in the same class together from day one. Luck would have been the qb for lsu for the last three years.

    The reason why we have a running qb is because we don't have an Andrew Luck on this team with the experience to start. Next year we will have a qb with the skills as luck playing qb. We won't need to play an offense that relies on the qb to run the ball. We will have an entirely diffrent approach at offense next year. You won't see the running qb scheme next year. You will see a heisman caliber qb playing a pro style offense and the days of lsu relying on speed option and spread option offensive game plans will be a thing of the past. Jj isn't in the same class of skills as luck. You will see on draft day who is the multi millionare and who is damn glad they graduated with a degree.
    1 person likes this.
  7. NavyTiger

    NavyTiger dunn dunn it all

    Sep 10, 2010
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    I leave for a while and find the board with this stuff... What happened!
  8. ASD


    Jun 6, 2011
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    what is going on here? this is the silliest thread i have seen as of yet
  9. Fang

    Fang Veteran Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    I give Ricky Williams props bc he is the only one who dare say a bad word about Jefferson. You have balls not P&G specticals on however if you look at the past few NC teams all of their QB are a running threat. Cam, Tebow etc etc many fine passing QB's in the NFL none with a NC bc they can't run the ball and that's what you need in the NCAA to win a NC. If LSU can't find a QB next year to run then we may fall short. ZM may be to lanky to get the job done.
  10. southerntgr

    southerntgr Veteran Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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    I will find a way to derail this dumb thread but I have a headache right now

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