Who won the 2003 BCS National Championship?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Douglas, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    The playoff vs BCS formula has been argued very well here in the past...and not by me at all. Lots of great points were delivered on both sides.

    The formula, far from perfect, came into being because the media naming a championship via the poll system was wrought with outright fraud...like the "east coast bias" you referred to. (We always thought there was a west coast bias as well).

    I kind of relate the issue to the national debate on health care. As imperfect as the "public option" will be, No one would ever even consider it, EVER, had not the private health insurance companies screwed things up so badly with their own outright fraud and greed to begin with. (please, this is only an analogy...not a hijak...pretty please!!).

    So, I guess, a playoff system is inevitable...with Obama and the democrats temporarily in power and everything. :lol:. Then nothing will really change. we'll still argue about the playoff selection criteria. And the true championship will still not be "true" because Obama will probably want to give automatic berths in the playoffs to Hawaii, the black colleges, and a publicly funded team from Puerto Rico that has no scholarship limitations for migrant grape pickers from Mexico...:eek:.

    Just kidding...I'm not a racist, but I'm in real need of a beer summit to iron out my issues.:thumb:. (Obama, I like Abita turbodog:))
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    It doesn't matter, this is the system that the coaches and the NCAA bought into. If they knew the results were not accurate, then they shouldn't have bought into the system. Its funny because i remember Matt Lienart and his Fu(& the BCS shirt in 03, and Pete Carroll denouncing the BCS, and then in 04 they are kissing the trophy, and the BCS is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but Auburn is left out, and i believe Auburn would have beaten USC in 04.

    I didn't know that about Lou Holtz though, i hate him more now. It was so nice to see the Gold Domers lose this past weekend.

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