No team has had more trouble and controversy surrounding big games then Auburn. To claim the 1957 NC, API (that's alabama polytechnic institute) while on probation and not able to participate in a bowl, has always found such title, problematic and sometimes embarrassing to defend. It also was as close as shug came to the ultimate prize. Pat Dye's wishbone teams and even Tiny Terry's probation, non bowl qualifying, unbeaten bunch, was even more problematic and ultimately did nothing to support an SEC team almost starving to validate their football legacy. Tubby's 2004 unbeaten team is the cherry on the top. Talented, unbeaten and a schedule that would make a non AQ team's mouth water. In the end only golf digest would venture to legitimize such an accomplishment. So here we are, 2010 and Auburn is in the chase once again. So why tell you I'm pulling for the good ole SEC in this one? When the game begins, every part of my body will be in tune to what Oregon does or doesn't do on every single play. But here's the best part, even if Auburn should succeed and finally lay hold of something so near and yet so elusive, this could well be the greatest insult of all. To have the trophy in hand, to reach beyond even the the sad futility of a lifetime, to eventually have to Fed ex it back at the NCAA's insistence, will be the greatest indignity of them all. Did I mention I'm rooting for Oregon?
I pulled for the Teagles in the SEC Championship game, because I really cannot stand USCe Ugggggghhhhh that program chokes way too much. Anyway I will be pulling for the Dux in the BCSNCG, the Teagles dont deserve the Crystal ball! On that note....... GEAUX DUX!:thumb:
:geaux: When I even think I might want to pull for AU I get a strong urge to shyt in my clothes. Just watching the arrogance of Newton and the Auburn team as a whole really ticks me off. :dis: Eventhough Cam's a tremendous player, he shows no class and showboats at every opportunity. And Chizik just makes me want to puke, period. Wonder if there's any way both of them could lose? :LSU231:
Under any other circumstance, pulling for AU would be a no-brainer for me. I've always pulled for SEC teams in bowl games, be it the lower-tier bowls or BCS. I pulled for UF both times in the MNC and Bama last year. I pull for the SEC because winning enhances the conference's reputation for dominance in CFB. That said, I cannot pull for AU. Financially, AU winning does benefit the conference as a whole because of revenue sharing. But if I were to pull for AU based on that simple fact I wouldn't be anything other than a money bitch, just like Cecil. UF's off-the-field player issues are well documented and I honestly believe Meyer is douche. But their MNC was won on the field with no cloud of suspicion hanging over them, same as Alabama last year. The reputation of the SEC was enhanced because they outcoached and outplayed Ohio State, Oklahomo and Texas, respectively. To me, AU playing in the MNC does absolutely nothing to enhance the reputation of the SEC; it only hurts it. For the BCS NC, I will be nothing more than a disinterested party, if not slightly pulling for the ducks. The SEC (LSU, Bama, UGA, UF, specifically) will reload and be back on the national stage next year; not winning a MNC this year will not be the end of days for the conference.
So for those of you pulling for the Ducks because of Cams issues... how many of you will jump ship when we get mettenberger at LSU... after all he did worse things then having a stolen lap top and cheating on school work. Just wondering.
Groping chicks against their consent. Stupid mistake yes, does it make him a bad dude, no... but in the grand scheme of things it's worse then cheating in school or having a stolen lap top.