And look what happened? It doesn't take much to figure out when a thread is purely out there for bait. Guess what, it worked.
Over moderating will lose more folks than it gains. I have been around enough to see great boards go under over it.
True, I wasn't saying TO crack down, I just was saying if they want to crack down on anything here it would be that.
This place is not overmoderated. Certain posters are content generators but might drive casual folks away who don’t want to put up with the over-the-top style. I like that they stir up discussion. I also like conspiracy theories about taking it easy on LA teams because of some Orgeron old boy mafia stuff. Another conspiracy is there are a bunch of alters here...
It isn't over moderated yet, but if they ban folks over name calling in the heat of a moment it will be. Or deleting threads that MAY go bad. Deleting a thread calling out a poster, fine.
Kinda like the left bans climate change deniers, I live with that daily buddy. The shutting down of opposing views is real and can creep in here to. I am going to continue to express my opinions. If I am banned big whoop their loss in my view.