Gawd, Louisiana people living in Oneonta? Where they think Captain D's is a fine seafood restaurant? I hope some of them are cooks.
My philosophy as well. I love my Saints, but I am a college football fan at heart, and passionate about my LSU Tigers. I don't have the time or desire to follow another "favorite" team. Notice I used passion and not obsession. Gumps are obsessed with their team, and truly believe the Tide is Gods gift to college football. Ex. TUSKtimes...this arrogant, pompous ass hangs out on a LSU board constantly pimping his team at every opportunity. No true Tiger fan would have the Gumps as their second, third, or twentieth favorite team. No..uh is just against the rules.
My dad graduated from Arkansas so I root for them unless them winning hurts LSU. Also kind of liked Michigan as a kid, think it was the helmets.
Add one more to the hate list: Texas Tech Led out by mask man. Are you kidding me? Last time I saw a mask like that was at a Gay Pride Parade when I worked in Charlotte. I only saw him briefly. He also wore a real short vest and chaps. Bare assed. Saw some cowbells, too. Disgusting! At the game, not parade!
What the hell were you doing at a gay pride parade in the first place ? And what were they doing with cow balls? Po bulls got a transectomy.
Figured I should have addressed it. I stepped out of a hotel, from a revolving door. Saw the chaps, and other stuff, and jumped back in the same section of revolving door and went back inside. I hunkered down for a couple of hours till that mess was over. That was not my territory, so to speak!