I was going to ask you what was your 1st clue, because honestly the only reason I knew was because of his # on his sweat pants, and yes to everything you said. He will be missed.
Yeah this is pretty cool that she met him! Not that big of a deal because I'm from Austin and Colt Mccoy and Jordan Shipley both went to my church so I knew them for a good 4 years
I do. And the girl in the pic is cute. Did I say I wanted to be lewd with her? No, I said she's cute. You're the one posting pics of her on a sports message board. CS was joking, but I don't get the same vibe from you. I don't take offense if someone compliments my daughter and says she is cute. Get a life dude. Next time, look at the pic a little closer. It has his number on the pants. Try google if you are so worried about your little friend's pic being on a board. So this little "friend" has you to help her out with things? You sound like the perv. Sheesh. :rolleye33:
I know dude, no harsh feelings it's just I've never met you or ever talked to you so I didn't know how you meant it. Thanks for the compliment I guess? But I didn't post this pic so we can all bask in the cuteness and talk about it, I just needed a little help from so true LSU fans, calm down man.
Hey, Kyle, I agree with you man, but let's not try and kill the guy. He doesn't know any of our personalities to know a vibe about us. I don't think he came here to try and mess with anyone. Just saying man.
If my 14 year old daughter went out of my house wearing hooker hose, I think I would be pretty pissed.
How is she dressed like a hooker? She always dresses up even @ school.. she has nice clothes so she likes to wear them? And she probably wore hose because her dress is kinda of short and she's NOT a hooker, a hooker would just wear the dress and not wear any hose probably bro, stop hating and getting off topic.. sorry for intruding your LSU boards since I'm not a fan.... -.-
Aw, I think she looks fine here. I've seen worse. They're not fishnets, just patterned tights, maybe?