Who else is pulling for Bama to win it all?

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by Ch0sn0ne, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Roll Tide!! :thumb:

    Straight to New Orleans and the Sugar Bowl. :rofl:
  2. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    The amazing thing for Bama fans is the 24 and 0 record in the last 2 regular season games.

    It's amazing but it's like a million dollar check. It's nothing until it clears the bank.

    Sorry Bama , your going down and the Gators will chomp you on the way to the car.

    It's going to be hard for you guys to go back to the Sugar to play a no body.

    I really don't care. I'm a Tiger but I will watch today and I will be pulling for the Gators.

    Tim Tebow has a quality that Nick will never have. Core character and faith in something more than football.

    Bama fans are the worst based on what happened during the Bear years. The fact that 20 years has passed since Bama has put a skin on the wall they own everything. They are SEC football!!! right

    There is no team I hate more than Bama and all Bama fans have the same mind set. It is all ours and you are just renting what belongs to us.

    Go Gators
    Go Tim
    Roll Tide back to Bama land.
    Roll Tide back to the Sugar

    Tigers get ready for 2010 and Nov 6th!!!

  3. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Where have you been? I think a lot of us have missed you lately. I was expecting a lot of posts about Ole Miss and Moo U. I hope all has been well with your family...especially that grandson!!:).
  4. LSUTIgerSTL

    LSUTIgerSTL Freshman

    Dec 2, 2009
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    A truly ambitious goal.......not as modest as you had thought. Appreciate your voracity and passion for your team, but today this Tiger fan will be rooting for the Gators .
  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Dude, this is an LSU board, this would be like us hiring Bear Bryant as coach and then going undefeated and beating your butt 2 years in a row.
    Like it or not CNS is our old coach and the dirty little secret is that next year was suppose to be LSU's year but it aint going to happen.
    While Bama is whipping Florida's ass I just took a look at Bama's roster.
    Heck, CLM's can't beat CHN so no, I don't think he can beat Bama either.
    This has become a rivalry once again but only worse with CNS there.

    In the SEC you have winner out of the east playing the winner out of the west and those teams are number 1 or 2.
    The best LSU can do for next year and probably until Saban leaves Bama is play for third place like it or not.
    I hope I got that right and am not confused?
    Is that correct as far as 1 and 2 in SEC play?

    Check out the Alabama roster
    Some seniors but not many!
    Football Roster
  6. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    he is the BEST coach in the SEC and possibly the NCAA BUT I hate Bama for other reasons.

    the truth about US LSU fans is we would LOVE SABAn if he was still here, admit it. Everyone that posts how much they hate Saban are pretty much hypocrites BECAUSE if the shoe were on the other foot.... you'd love him.

    what you REALLY hate is that he didnt stay. He made a mistake and it cost US, not him thats what we really hate. Jealousy is a bytch.

    all the football geniuses that would rather Miles based on his integrity, guess what? Integrity doesnt win squat other than respect. Everyone respects Miles, I respect him, he IS a good coach, just not top tier.

    What did Saban do that half a dozen other coaches dont do? he lied about going to Miami then he lied about going to Bama. Welcome to big time negotiations involving media. Had it have been LSU he was coming back to, ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN FINE AND DANDY. Fans would have rolled out the carpet and sung his praises, dont lie you know you would have.

    Now you hate him... WHY? because deep down you wish he was @ LSU.

    You tell yourself you love Miles for his integrity. Ok who doesnt love Integrity? What if something comes out that shocks you about Mile's intergity? what then? hate him too?

    I cant tell you how many posts I've seen on here saying " Saban may be a better game day coach but I'd rather have Miles because of his integirty"
    Supposedly this statement is meant to take the high road and that winning is less than integrity..... that's fine to say that but in reality its the box office ticket sales that dictate what road is taken high or low, not integrity.

    Miles is an admirable guy, very good coach. He'd be on top of the heap in the big ten. Who knows if he can get an OC that can perk things up and if he can delegate game day management to him then Miles could be on top again with LSU. BUT regardless the man is just not as good a coach as Saban. Or Meyer.... hell he might not be better than Houston Nutt.

    he is a gambler, funny guy, makes you like him. Saban is rough, crude with media, dry humor, pretty much an ass, but he is a top tier coach... AD"s know that.... I submit to you that the BAMA AD dept knows more than the fans here at TF.

    If next week there was a huge conspiracy and Miles was fired and Saban's wife said she always Loved LSU and Saban agreed to take a pay cut ( or raise?) to come back everyone of you would be loving all up on his leg...to the point of sickening....... now that probably wont happen but IF it did, Id love to see all the leg humpers in here. there'd be so many people crawfishing in here you could have a Boil for the army.

    Saban is top tier and any program would be stupid not to want him.

    Coaches like Saban are ambitious, not dedicated ot one school. He had already coached at more then one before he came here.

    No one could expect an LSu fan to LOVE Saban especially since he coaches for Bama, but it is what it is. he is a coach, not satan.

    He said he made a mistake leaving LSU for the NFL and since he has decided that college ball is where he wants to be. Bama just happens to be the vehicle he landed with and paid the bucks for him. I see no reason to doubt what he says is true. The rest of all the lies about going here or there are nothing more than timing the media, just like the Miles to Michigan thing.

    that being said, I hate Bama with a passion.


    PS: I wanted to pull for the gators but they are getting whipped like I figured they would.
    1 person likes this.
  7. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    I am not too smart . What I see in Saban is a smart man , not so much a great coach. He looked at LSU and saw a ton of talent here , . It was waiting for him . He looked over to Bama. What did he see , another big pile of talent that was ready to explode . And they did . Tjhis Bama had been coached well, and had talent .You and I could have coached this team with the expense account that Saban has had , You have to remember we know of one call that could have made this a different game . The SEC Championship game that is . Geaux Tigers !!
  8. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    SDM, I really think you have to take what he's saying with a grain of salt. I don't think he really intends to convert LSU fans. :thumb:
  9. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Thanks for the advice!:lol:
    No, I didn't read the entire thread and yes, I thought he was delusional!:insane::rofl:
    Hey man, its all good!:D
  10. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    They got a name for the winners in the world.
    I want a name when I lose.

    They call ALABAMA, the Crimson Tide!!!
    They call Tebow, Deacon Blue.

    Thanks for the set up.

    Roll Tide, 32 - 13!!!!

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