I had scrambled eggs. My daughters have recently started preferring fired so I'm trying to perfect that. Growing up, their friends would request my scrambled eggs. I cook them to where they come out in one peice (I "cut" them into portions with the spatula). Well, now the lil azzes flip flopped on me. I didn't even know the difference between "sunny-side up" and "over-easy." Seriously, sadly.
90% of the time I eat crackers and cut up chunks uf cheese. I have been homebound fot almost three months. I have expanded to cheese omelet, pancakes, sausage links or bacon. Sometimes 2 of above. Breakfast is really a great meal.
Steak, egg and cheese with chipotle sauce on flatbread from Subway. I don't usually eat breakfast...but I did this morning and it was slammin.