I found this habanero jack cheese out here and make grilled cheese out of it on a crunchy wheat bread. AWESOME spicy sammich. :thumb:
I went with a sausage mcgriddle with chesse from McDonald's this morning. I love finals week, it gives a chance to eat terrible and not feel bad about it because I have to study for a week straight.
A huge sausage, egg, and cheese taco made with a fresh-grilled homemade tortilla. No, I didn't make the tortilla. It was made by a roofer's wife.
I make a smoothie every morning- frozen fruit, skim milk, vanilla yogurt Today it spilled all in my car and went beneith the seat. I was running really late so I couldnt clean all of it up. Right now, baking in the hot sun, that stupid smoothie is attatching itself to the interior of my car.