Usually 4 egg whites/2 whole eggs scrambled, 5 pieces of turkey bacon, and either a whole grain bagel with peanut butter or light cream cheese, or a cup of regular oatmeal with honey and cinnamon. Wash it down with 2 glasses of 2% milk... plus a multi and other supps.
My 96 year old grand father recently passed. Sunday night I got to thinking if I wanted to make it as far as he did I needed to start eating like he did. Monday morning I started making the breakfast he ate every day for about 85 of his 96 years. I have had 4 fried eggs, a half pound of bacon, a bowl of grits with hog's head cheese mixed in it, and three cups of black Community Coffee every day this week. And to be honest I have felt really good, have more energy, and have had great workouts at the pool.
its where all the people at a mostly liberal workplace bring some of their leftover coffee and store it all in a community container. just for the janitorial workers and others less fortunate who weren't lucky enough to get welfare. then they go to starbucks and discuss how sad that really is.
lol nah not high maintenance, I usually am the one who cooks... but breakfast is the most important meal of the day that sets the tone for your metabolism for the rest of the day. And yes, that's 6 eggs total... Back a few years ago when I was bodybuilding, it wasn't uncommon to go through a 2.5 dozen flat of eggs daily, between breakfast, hard boiled eggs, and protein shakes.
French toast is on the menu for tommorrow mornging. Well, I guess that is this morning. My grand mother used to say it in French. Not sure how it's spelled but sounded like pain pain deux???